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Reconciliation Catechesis is provided for interested parishioners, Grade 2 and older. 

Preparation for the sacrament is integrated into the religious education curriculum in Our Lady of the Visitation's school program, and on Wednesday evenings during the school year at the Parish Religious Education Program (PREP) classes for public school students. To participate in the level 2 PREP class (Reconciliation preparation) the student must have completed the level 1 PREP class. Once your child has made his/her First Reconciliation, parents are responsible for regularly bringing children to the parish celebrations of Reconciliation, and to see that they have taken the opportunity fo confess individually sometime before the end of Grade 4.(This is a parish guideline). Prepared candidates celebrate the sacrament in the Spring. Parents are expected to participate in the preparation and ongoing encouragement to participate in this sacrament of healing. 

Contact Lisa Spraul, 513-347-2228 or or Stephanie Audette,

First Eucharist Preparation is provided for interested parishioners, grade 2 and older.

Preparation for first reception of the Eucharist is integrated into the religious education curriculum in Our Lady of the Visitation School program, and on Wednesday evenings during the school year at the Parish Religious Education Program (PREP) for public school students. To participate in the level 2 PREP class (First Eucharist preparation) the student must have completed  the level 1 PREP class. Parents are an integral part of the preparation program and ongoing accompaniment to the Eucharist Liturgy. Prepared Candidates celebrate the sacrament in the Spring. 

For more information contact Lisa Spraul, 513-347-2228 or or Stephanie Audette at

Confirmation Preparation is provided for 7th Grade students and older. 

Preparation is integrated into both the school and PREP curriculum in Our Lady of the Visitations's school program, and on Wednesday evenings during the school year at the Parish Religious Education Program (PREP) classes for public school students. Parents, Sponsors and students are involved in three Spirit events, a parent meeting, a sponsor/candidate night, and a retreat. To participate in the level 7 PREP class (Confirmation preparation) the student must have completed the level 6 PREP class. Prepared candidates celebrate the sacrament in the Spring. 

Contact Lisa Spraul, 513-347-2228 or lspraul@ or Stephanie Audette at



We are called to be a welcoming sign of God’s presence & love.


3172 South Road Cincinnati, OH 45248

(513) 922-2056 during office hours

9:00 AM to 4:00 PM Monday through Friday, 

Summer hours: 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM Monday - Thursday, Friday, 9:00 AM - Noon