Outreach Ministries

As members of His “universal” Church, Jesus calls us to be concerned for all of humanity. This group sponsors parish programs that attempt to broaden awareness of social justice issues, especially in regard to the Church’s teachings. It also reaches out beyond parish boundaries in works of charity, such as Operation Shoebox, the Christmas Giving Tree, the St. Leo Toy Drive, and Jail Ministry. In addition, there is an Outreach Ministries collection once every 3 months to benefit an organization recommended by the Outreach Ministries Committee. All are welcome to our monthly meetings.  For more information, contact Ken Meymann 513-347-2219, or kmeymann@olvisitation.org  Also, Lynn Hensler, LynnHensler@yahoo.com or 513-941-1881

Our Bereavement Committee works directly with the Pastor to insure that Our Lady of the Visitation coordinates all aspects of this important ministry. Members assist families in planning the songs, readings and petitions for the Mass of Christian Burial or Memorial Mass for their deceased loved one. They are also present at the funeral service to assist the family in any way needed. For more information contact Ken Meymann, 513-347-2219 or kmeymann@ olvisitation.org

Our Lady of the Visitation Cancer Support reaches out to our community member when they are suffering from the complications related to Cancer.  This group consists of those who have cancer, who are caregivers, and medical professionals. They meet monthly on a Sunday night and gather occasionally for a social. 

For more information, contact Diane Williams, 513-941-4656 or dianewilliams8@gmail.com 

Elizabeth Ministry is a national chapter. This is a ministry for women and their families who may need the support of another woman or family who have experienced a similar situation such as the loss of a baby through miscarriage.

Our parish's ministry is also able to help with temporary assistance for meals, guidance for newborn care and mom's self care after delivery, as well as assistance for an expectant mother requiring bed rest. The Elizabeth Ministry also has blessings for expectant parents and will provide a blanket to welcome each new baby to our parish when notified of the birth. 

Contact Ken Meymann, 513-347-2219, Linda Mayhaus, 513-941-8130, or Carolyn Menner, 513-574-3109 for more information.

Health and Wellness volunteers and professionals work togethr to integrate faith and health, treating body, mind and spirit. The key element that distinguishes it from other types of health care is a fundamental belief in the relationship between spirituality and health. 

For more information, contact Dr. Marc Alexander at 513-922-2056  or Malexander@olvisitation.org

Our Lady of the Visitation Prison Ministry is a branch of a city wide ecumenical organization, Transforming Jail Ministries. 
Those involved in this ministry visit inmates at various local jail facilities on Sunday mornings at 9:00 a.m. They visit in teams and pray, sing and talk with the inmates for one hour.  Contact the Parish Office, 513-922-2056.

Many and varied are the works in Network of Care, which attempts to connect those in need with those willing to provide for that need.

Needs might include:

• Transportation
• Special Services: Legal & Financial Referrals
• Occasional Meal Prep, call Carolyn Menner 513-574-3109 
  (if you can help or need help)

If you wish to serve on one of the above or if you have need of their services, please call Ken Meymann, 513-347-2219, or kmeymann@olvisitation.org

Saint Vincent de Paul members seek to assist those in need, both materially and spiritually. Outside the group itself, no one knows which families are being aided. On months that have a 5th Sunday, there is a separate envelope for contributions to the St. Vincent de Paul account. Our Thanksgiving Day collection also goes to this account. In addition to helping individual families, the parish participates in St. Vincent de Paul's Bundle Sunday collection twice a year. 

If interested in becoming a member, call Diane Williams, 513-941-4656.

Communion and Pastoral Visits provide spiritual visits to bring Communion and/or comfort to those in need and to let them know that their parish community still cares about them and that they are included.

If you or someone you know is physically unable to get to church and would like a visit, give a call to Ken Meymann at 513-347-2219 or email him at kmeymann@olvisitation.org



We are called to be a welcoming sign of God’s presence & love.