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Our Lady of the Visitation parish benefits from our scrip program. The concept is simple. You order gift cards from us for local and national merchants, restaurants and department stores at face value. The parish purchases the cards at varying percentages less than face value, thus making a profit. Your purchase price won't cost you any more or less by participating, but the effort of getting the gift cards will profit your parish!

We also participate in the Kroger community Rewards program. Register your Kroger Plus Card to Our Lady of the Visitation Parish. Each time you shop at Kroger and use your Plus Card, the parish automatically receives rewards. To register, go to www.kroger Our NPO number is 80204.

Order forms are available directly from Pam Holtmeier, 513-347-9038. Call Pam if you have any questions about this program.



We are called to be a welcoming sign of God’s presence & love.


3172 South Road Cincinnati, OH 45248

(513) 922-2056 during office hours

9:00 AM to 4:00 PM Monday through Friday, 

Summer hours: 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM Monday - Thursday, Friday, 9:00 AM - Noon