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We have resources to walk the journey with you. Stephen Ministry provides confidential, 1-on-1, women-with-women, men-with-men, support and affirmation.   It’s typically regularly-scheduled, face-to-face, about 1 hour per week, for as long as needed.  A Stephen Minister is there to listen & pray, not to fix, we’re not professional counselors.  Our Stephen Minsters welcome people both from inside & outside our parish.  And we also have Stephen Ministers from outside our parish, so if you want to talk with one outside of Visitation, that’s ok too.  Stephen Ministers are Caregivers, but only God is the Curegiver. 

OLV is a strong, loving parish.  In our years of experience with Stephen Ministry, many parishioners felt the relief they needed.  So, it might benefit you, or someone you know, even outside the parish.  Think about Stephen Ministry.  The process to get started is easy.  Either call the confidential phone-line 513-347-4411, or ask any of our Leaders or Stephen Ministers in any way you see fit, even if you just want to talk it over more, first.  No one should suffer alone.  Please, prayerfully consider this.  Thank you. For more information, or to view care receiver testimonials, go to:

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We are called to be a welcoming sign of God’s presence & love.


3172 South Road Cincinnati, OH 45248

(513) 922-2056 during office hours

9:00 AM to 4:00 PM Monday through Friday, 

Summer hours: 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM Monday - Thursday, Friday, 9:00 AM - Noon