Registration & Payment?
If the Retreat is to be held, Priority registration will open in November when Visitation parishioners, and non-parishioners who've attended in the past, receive the registration form in the mail. Be on the lookout for official dates in the Sunday Bulletin and Parish Update Friday emails.
Online registration will open to the public in December. Please register using one of the links below and submit payment to Our Lady of the Visitation either by dropping off a check (payable to Our Lady of the Visitation) or cash, along with a payment form (see the bottom portion of the retreat invitation letter).
Cost per retreatant is yet to be determined. If a family sends more than one child, the fee amy be reduced for the second or third child. Space is available for 80+ high school students and a waiting list will be started as needed. Registration is open to all high school students regardless of parish or high school. If registration is "full", email the parish office ASAP to be placed on the waiting list.