What and Why? 

Visitation's High School Youth Retreat, affectionately called, “Visi Retreat,” started in 1990, when parishioners saw the need for a retreat for high school students. With the exception of 1 year, Visi Retreat has continually been a source of solace and spiritual growth for many high school teens and the leaders alike since 1990. Visi Retreat has seen hundreds of teens through their struggles and triumphs over the years. 

Two days on a retreat will give you a chance to take a step back from school, work and hectic schedules to decide where you want to go with your life. It is an important time to open up and show your true self to others. The retreat will give you some time to think about God’s plan for your life and what values are most important in your life now. While many high schools have retreats available to their students, Visi Retreat is unique in that small groups are led by retreat alum, are co-ed, and have a variety of freshmen - seniors in each group.

Any and all high school students are invited to attend the retreat, regarless of parish or school affiliation.

Where & When?
Our Lady of the Visitation High School Retreat is usually held at Higher Ground Retreat Center in West Harrison, IN.

Contact Michael Bissonnette 513-922-2056 

Medical Release Form 

Registration & Payment?
If the Retreat is to be held, Priority registration will open in November when Visitation parishioners, and non-parishioners who've attended in the past, receive the registration form in the mail. Be on the lookout for official dates in the Sunday Bulletin and Parish Update Friday emails.

Online registration will open to the public in December. Please register using one of the links below and submit payment to Our Lady of the Visitation either by dropping off a check (payable to Our Lady of the Visitation) or cash, along with a payment form (see the bottom portion of the retreat invitation letter).

Cost per retreatant is yet to be determined. If a family sends more than one child, the fee amy be reduced for the second or third child. Space is available for 80+ high school students and a waiting list will be started as needed. Registration is open to all high school students regardless of parish or high school. If registration is "full", email the parish office ASAP to be placed on the waiting list.



We are called to be a welcoming sign of God’s presence & love.