Baptism is the greatest gift you can give to your child. "Baptism not only purifies us from all sins" but it also makes each of us "an adopted son of God." Through the sacrament of Baptism we are given the grace to "believe in God, to hope in Him, and to love Him and we become members of the Body of Christ." - Catechism of the Catholic Church

All families seeking the Sacrament of Baptism for their children must complete preparation with the parish before the baptism can be scheduled. If this is your first child to be baptized, or you have not yet completed a prepartation class, you can schedule through the parish office. These classes are held at 7PM on the second Thursday every other month (January, March, May, July, September and November), in the Welcome Center. we encourage all parents to attend before their baby is born, so they can be ready to schedule after the birth.

Parent and guardians are asked to take prayerful consideration in the choosing of godparents who will help guide the child on their journey of faith. Godparents must be Confirmed, at least 16 years of age, attend Mass faithfully on Sundays and Holy Days of Obligation and, if married, be in a valid Catholic marriage. Godparent forms will be received at the prepartation class or by calling the parish office. These forms need to be completed by each godparent, and signed by their pastor.

Once these forms have been returned to the parish office and the class has been complete, we can schedule the baptism.

To register for class, or for more information, please contact the parish office at 513-922-2056.

Stephanie Audette or



We are called to be a welcoming sign of God’s presence & love.