
Please click here to register your NEW student for P3, P4, PK, Kindergarten, or Grade 1 for the 2025/2026 school year.  Registration will be open until January 24, 2025.  If you are interested in Grades 2-8, please click here.  It is best to use your computer, rather than your phone.

This is NOT for currently enrolled students, only for students that will be new to Visitation.
Please email with any questions.


P3 -  3 YEAR OLD PROGRAM (T/TH) If your child is 3 years old by September 30th, 2025, this is the program for your child. This class meets on Tuesday and Thursday. There is a half day or full day option. Half day hours are 8:18 a.m.-11:20 a.m.  Full day ends at 2:50 p.m.

P4 - 4/5 YEAR OLD PROGRAM (M/W/F) If your child is 4 years old by September 30th, 2025, or if you feel that your child is not quite ready for a five day a week program, you may want to consider the 4 and 5 year old program that meets Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. You can choose a half day or full day program. Half day hours are 8:18 a.m.-11:20 a.m.  Full day ends at 2:50 p.m.

PK - 4/5 YEAR OLD PROGRAM (M-F) Our PK proram is a pre-kindergarten program for 4 and 5 year old children that do not meet the cut off, or who are not quite ready for the kindergarten program. The PK program is a five day a week program that has a half day or full day option. For enrollment in this program, your child must meet the age requirement to attend kindergarten for the following school year (2026-2027 academic year). Half day hours are 8:18 a.m.-11:20 a.m.  Full day ends at 2:50 p.m.

Kindergarten is a five day a week program that is only offered as a full day program. Children must be 5 years old by September 30th, 2025.  Hours are 8:18 a.m. - 2:55 p.m.

Registration of new students for the 2025/2026 school year will begin on January 14, 2025 and end on January 24, 2025.

After completing the online registration, you will be sent an email confirming receipt of your online form.  You will be notified via email by the first week in March if your child has been accepted or placed on a wait list.

If your child is accepted, the following information must be received by the School Office for your spot to be confirmed. Please do not send any documents until your child has been accepted. If you registered your child and do not plan to send them to Our Lady of the Visitation School anymore, please notify the school as soon as possible.

  1. $50 non-refundable registration fee payable to Our Lady of the Visitation School. If bringing cash, please bring exact change.
  2. Copy of Birth Certificate (please do not send originals).
  3. Copy of Baptismal Certificate, unless baptized at Our Lady of the Visitation Church (please do not send originals).
  4.          Pledge to Visitation
  5. Request to Transfer Records for incoming Grades 1-8 only.

Your spot will not be confirmed until ALL items above have been received.  

You can drop items off at the school office or mail items to:
Our Lady of the Visitation School
3180 South Rd
Cincinnati Ohio 45248


As Beacons of Light continues in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, Our Lady of the Visitation, St. Joseph, and St. Jude will become one unified parish with three locations. Our Lady of the Visitation School is a ministry of the Divine Mercy Family of Parishes. In light of this, admission to Our Lady of the Visitation School is considered according to the following priorities:

1. Children of active parishioners of any church within the Divine Mercy Family of Parishes who are currently enrolled at Our Lady of the Visitation School.

2. Children of active parishioners of any church within the Divine Mercy Family of Parishes with siblings already enrolled at Our Lady of the Visitation School.

3. Children of active parishioners of any church within the Divine Mercy Family of Parishes enrolling for the first time.

4. Children of active parishioners of any Catholic church outside of the Divine Mercy Family of Parishes.

5. Children of non-active parishioners and non-Catholic families.

Definition of Active Parishioner
An active parishioner is a registered parishioner within the Divine Mercy Family of Parishes who participates in the faith life of Our Lady of the Visitation, St. Joseph, and/or St. Jude churches. This is demonstrated through attendance at weekly Sunday Mass and Holy days, participation in the community life of the Family of Parishes by volunteering time and talents in ministries and organizations, and financially supporting the Family of Parishes on weekly basis through the Sunday offering in addition to staying current on tuition. Active parishioner status will be reviewed on a regular basis.

If an applicant falls under priority number 4, they must provide a letter of good standing from their registered parish stating that they are an active parishioner.

The pastor has the canonical right to admit or refuse admittance to the school outside of the priorities listed above. These priorities only apply to applicants who have turned in completed application materials before the deadline. 



3180 South Road
Cincinnati, OH 45248

(513) 347-2222

Office Hours 7:45 AM - 3:30 PM
School Hours 8:18 AM - 2:55 PM