

PRESCHOOL • Please call (513) 347-4450 by 8:15 a.m.
K-8 • Please call (513) 347-2231 by 8:15 a.m.

If your child is absent or tardy for any reason,
please provide the following information:

  • Child's name
  • Grade
  • Homeroom
  • Reason for absence or tardiness (Please be specific).

If your child needs to leave early for an appointment, please write a note to your child's teacher letting them know what time you need to pick up your child, the reason for the early dismissal, and if they will return or not. 

A student is considered tardy if they arrive at 8:18 or later. Being on time for one’s commitments is a quality of a considerate and responsible Christian person. If a child arrives late for school, he/she must report to the office and present a note from his/her parent/guardian. He/she will then receive an admittance slip to present to the teacher.  When a child is late for school it can cause them anxiety, frustration and embarrassment.  It is very difficult for a child to feel ready and organized when they are tardy for the day.  Children need those few minutes to get settled and prepare themselves for the day.  

When a pattern of chronic/absence tardiness occurs, the school will send a letter home alerting parents to the issue. If a child is absent or tardy  more than 15 times, they may be asked to leave Our Lady of the Visitation School, or repeat the grade, regardless of grades.  Three tardies will count as one unexcused absence.

If a child cannot participate in a routine manner, the parent or guardian must submit a written note to the homeroom teacher.  A doctor’s note could be required.

For the full Attendance Policy, please see the Handbook.





3180 South Road
Cincinnati, OH 45248

(513) 347-2222
during school hours 8:18 AM - 2:55 PM