Living Our Faith  
At Our Lady of the Visitation we are focused on living our faith by instilling our Catholic values in our students on a daily basis. Each day we strive to provide a quality Catholic education with superior academic results. Our students thrive in a safe and caring community where they are accepted and respected as they develop their faith. We work to build character in a disciplined learning environment for each and every student where they learn to respect all individuals.


Every day we are called to live out the teachings of our Lord Jesus Christ. At Our Lady of the Visitation we work to prepare our students to live out their faith in the Catholic Church. Each day of the week presents the opportunity for students who attend our school to experience Catholic culture integrated throughout the curriculum.

As our second grade students prepare for the sacrament of First Communion, they experience the love and mercy of God’s love through the Sacrament of First Reconciliation.  Each student’s preparation begins in the classroom with support from their teachers, parents and the Our Lady of the Visitation community. Students in grades 3-8 have the opportunity to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation several times during the school year.

Throughout their second grade school year, students prayerfully prepare for the Sacrament of First Communion.  Our teachers and parents guide each student to be ready to receive the body and blood of our Lord Jesus Christ through classroom activities, prayer and retreats.  The celebration of this Sacrament of Initiation takes place during a private ceremony in the late spring.  

As Catholic Christian parents we bring our children into the Catholic Church so that they may begin their journey in faith through Baptism. During their seventh grade year, with the help of our teachers and the Our Lady of the Visitation community we prepare our children to make the choice to continue their faith journey through the Sacrament of Confirmation.  This Sacrament of Service is celebrated with their sponsors and families in the spring.

Students have the opportunity to participate in many different Catholic traditions throughout the school year. These include: Adoration, Children's Holy Hour, Divine Mercy Chaplet, Living Rosary, Mass, May Crowning,  Reconciliation, and Stations of the Cross. 

As each one of us has received God’s gifts, we are called to serve one another in His name. We celebrate the gifts of our students at Our Lady of the Visitation during mass, in the classroom and participation in clubs and sports. Our students support organizations including the Literacy Network, St. Leo’s Parish, (others) through service hours, as well as various collections and other donations.

What is a TOB School?

It is school community where everyone is seen as a gift from God. It’s a way of looking at others that upholds the dignity of every human person. It is a way of living and learning in gratitude for God’s love for us. We recognize our mission to serve the needs of our sisters and brothers. Theology of the Body, written by St John Paul II, is a treasure for our time. The fruits of the Holy Spirit are witnessed in the school hallways and beyond: charity, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, generosity, gentleness, faithfulness, modesty, self-control and chastity.



3180 South Road
Cincinnati, OH 45248

(513) 347-2222
during school hours 8:18 AM - 2:55 PM



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